Following the philosophy that if you don’t have anything nice to
say, don’t say anything at all, has caused me to be virtually mute. I’ve got an
injury that is extremely painful and it’s making me cranky and cynical. Oh,
that’s right. I already was cranky and cynical. Now I’ve just lost the
governor. On my better days I spin it as observant, sensitive and maybe a
little prescient. Now I’ve had so many months of pain and interrupted sleep I
think we’ve crossed into grouchy territory. Fair warning here. Further reading
may cause unpleasant side effects.
I’ve never been hurt before. I’ve had two C-sections,
leg surgery, ear surgery and a tonsillectomy after which I hemorrhaged and
nearly bled to death. In every instance I healed in less than half the time it’s
taken me to get an affirmative diagnosis on this condition. Other than a bike
accident in fourth grade, which caused a mild concussion, I have been injury
free. No broken bones or tears or sprains or strains. Until now, I’ve been
extremely lucky as well as cautious. Visiting an orthopedist and getting an MRI
were both new experiences for me. After being mis-diagnosed with tendinitis
and a muscle tear, I finally found the right doctor who told me I have Adhesive
Capsulitis - also known as frozen shoulder.
You know the television commercial where
the woman says that she nearly cried when they told her that her house had
termites? When I went online and read about my condition I nearly cried and
then I really cried. It’s got some strange manifestations. The worst of these
are taking up to three YEARS to heal and being so painful at night that chronic
loss of sleep can become a secondary condition. I’m here to tell you, folks,
we’re there. The bright side is that it’s my left shoulder and I’m a rightie so
tennis is fine. The scary part is that I cannot lift my left arm high enough to
shave my armpit.
I tend to imagine worst-case scenarios for
myself, but overall, I’ve really been quite healthy. During the rare times I’ve
been out of commission as a wife or a mother it’s been met with skepticism. In
labor with Allie, about five centimeters dilated, I took a bath to relax before
leaving for the hospital. Lucy came in to pester me and then wanted to know why
I was so grouchy. I can’t recall my exact thought at the time but I was
probably wondering why I was having another child.
I was also accused of being dramatic when
I came down with bacterial pneumonia and the kids wanted to know why wouldn’t I
get off the couch and make them sandwiches. The doctor had me on three
different antibiotics to cover all the bases but the kid’s jut wanted their
snacks. The healthy, able-bodied - old enough to get their own food kids. They
really didn’t understand that pneumonia could be deadly. Just think of poor Jim
Henson. I forgive them now because they’ve been incredibly sweet and kind about
my shoulder.
Husbands seem to be better at milking
these situations without looking like they are. Somehow they are just more
entitled. When the girls were about ten, six and two I encouraged their father
to get a vasectomy. He rebutted my campaign with various well thought out
arguments. One of the reasons he gave me for resisting is that if I were to die
and he were to remarry he’d want the option to have more children with the new
wife. WHAT? The wants and needs of the erstwhile widower and his possible
future wife trumped my needs and me? He was saying this to a woman who’d given
birth to three kids. After my shock subsided I continued to drip, like water on
a stone, and he finally caved but boy did I pay for it.
The surgery was scheduled on a Friday
morning shortly before Christmas. My stepmother, who can be a little high
maintenance, was visiting. We gave her our bedroom and slept on the pull out in
the living room. It just so happened to be the weekend we needed to get the
tree and put it up. Supervision from the couch abounded but no help was
forthcoming from that quarter. The doctor had advised the patient to remain
immobile for forty-eight hours and the patient was not about to take any
chances with his precious parts. Not only did he stay on the couch the entire
weekend, we were also to run and fetch bags of ice for his you know what.
Monday morning he was fine and went off to work, as usual.
With Eric it’s been a little different. Since
he had a bad accident and follow up surgeries, he needed a tremendous amount of
care. He was a good patient and I was happy to oblige. The hard part was
hearing about the accident. Men, in particular, have a morbid fascination with
the details of a motorcycle accident and for a while I would have to just
remove myself when the conversation went that way. My nerves started to fray
after the complications from the later abdominal surgery but I really became
undone when the plantar fascia ruptured. More long conversations about the
malady making me feel a bit left out since I was the healthy one.
Now I’m NOT the healthy one and there
seems to be no protracted discussion of it. I’ll mention what’s wrong and
people seem to quickly move to another topic. I have no experience with this.
Am I doing it incorrectly? Maybe I need some props, although I’ve gone through
the sling and ace bandage. It’s not so much that I want to talk about it. It’s
that I feel so bad and want to get better.
It’s a bit like when Lucy was six weeks
old. She’d been waking up every hour or so throughout the night since birth and
I was just about to go crazy from lack of sleep. Now, every time I fall asleep
I wake up a couple hours later because my shoulder hurts. I can’t get comfortable.
I’ve tried multiple combinations of sleep aids and pain relievers. Ambien works
best to keep me asleep but it’s not a great choice long term. Maybe I’ll just
have to deal with the consequences when the pain gets better. Rehab in the wine
country sounds appealing.
I love my doctor and am starting physical
therapy. I love that my doctor recognizes that the PT paid for by my insurance
company is woefully inadequate. When we discussed the options he asked me if
I’m incredibly wealthy. Um, no. If I were, he’d have some great suggestions for
me. He realizes I need help. I can’t just be given some exercises to do at
home. It hurts too much to do them on my own. He’ll go to bat for me with the
insurance company if they don’t give me what I need. That’s promising. Now, if
it will just stop raining for more than one day at a time and Eric’s
persistent, hacking cough will subside, we may be getting somewhere.